Events organized
1st Baltic Workshop in the Philosophy of Language
(with Tadeusz Ciecierski and Tomasz Puczyłowski)
Krynica Morska, 16-19.09.2024
Slurring Terms Across Languages (STAL-2024)
(with Isidora Stojanovic)
Slovak Academy of Sciences, 16-17.05.2024
Forms of Context-Sensitivity
(with Adrian Briciu)
West University of Timisoara, 16.04.2024
Slurring Terms Across Languages (STAL-2023)
(with Isidora Stojanovic)
Institut Jean Nicod, 7-8.06.2023
Syntactic Arguments in the Contextualism/Relativism Debate
Online (University of Warsaw), 17.05.2023
Assessment-Sensitivity: New Developments and Applications (symposium)
(with Eduardo Pérez-Navarro and Justina Berškyte)
SEFA X, University of Santiago de Compostela, 14-16.12.2022
Perspectival Plurality
University of Warsaw, 27-28.05.2022
Theoretical and Empirical Challenges to Retraction
Online (University of Warsaw), 23-24.06.2021
Value in Language
(with Matteo Pascucci and Mirco Sambrotta)
Online (Slovak Academy of Sciences), 29-31.03.2021
[Part of the collaborative project Slovak-Austrian Philosophy of Language Network]
Topics in Analytic Philosophy 4
(with Adrian Briciu, Milan Jovanović and Miljana Milojević)
Online (University of Niš), 16-17.02.2021
2nd ALEF Workshop in Analytic Philosophy
(with Paula Tomi, Mihai Rusu, Iovan Drehe, Adrian Ludușan and Adrian Briciu)
Online (Babeș-Bolyai University), 25-26.09.2020
Perspectivism in Semantics (symposium)
(with David Rey and Max Kölbel)
SEFA IX, University of Valencia, 21-23.11.2019
1st ALEF Workshop in Analytic Philosophy
(with Adrian Ludușan, Mihai Rusu, Paula Tomi and Iovan Drehe)
Babeș-Bolyai University, 19-20.12.2018
Disagreement in Semantics
(with Triinu Eesmaa)
University of Vienna, 7-8.05.2018
Topics in Analytic Philosophy 2
(with Miljana Milojević and Adiran Briciu)
University of Belgrade, 29-30.03.2018
Non-Derogatory Uses of Slurs (symposium)
(with Bianca Cepollaro and Teresa Marques)
5th Annual OZSW Conference in Philosophy, 10-11.11.2017
Philosophical Analysis: Logic, Semantics, Metaphysics, Epistemology
(with Martin Vacek)
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 27.10.2017
The Lexicon of Subjectivity
(with Marina Ortega and Agustin Vicente)
University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 13.06.2017
Topics in Analytic Philosophy
(with Adrian Briciu, Miljana Milojevic and Gheorghe Clitan)
West University of Timișoara, Timișoara, 6-7.04.2017
Word Meaning: Interdisciplinary Themes
(with Marina Ortega-Andrés, Ingrid Lossius Falkum, Lotte Hogeweg, Begoña Vicente and Agustín Vicente)
University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2-3.11.2016
7th Latin Meeting for Analytic Philosophy
(with Markus Kneer and Vasilis Tsompanidis)
Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, 1-3.07.2013
Conference in Honour of Dan Sperber
(with Francois Recanati, Pierre Jacob, Frederique de Vignemont, Marie Guillot, Hugo Mercier, Sophie BIllardelo, Marta Donazzan and Nicolas Cladiere)
Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, 12-15.12.2012
(with Francois Recanati and Jeremie Lafraire)
Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, 15.05.2012
4th Paris-Barcelona Workshop: Mind, Language and Metaphysics
(with Francois Recanati and Marie Guillot)
Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, 19-20.03.2012
3rd Paris-Barcelona Workshop: New Perspectives on Relativism and Context-Dependence
(with Josep Macia and Adrian Briciu)
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, 24-25.03.2011
X TIF (Taller d'Investigacio en Filosofia)
(with Fiora Salis and Oscar Cabaco)
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, 7-8.01.2008
XXI TIF (21st Taller d’Investigacio en Filosofia)
University of Valencia, 4-5.07.2024
Slurring Terms Across Languages (STAL-2023)
Institut Jean Nicod, 7-8.06.2023
MLAG Graduate Conference
University of Porto, 10-12.04.2019
XX TIF (2oth Taller d'Investigacio en Filosofia)
University of Valencia, 28-29.03.2019
XXVII SIUCC (27th Inter-University Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Sciene)
University of the Basque Country, 27-28.09.2018
University of Lisbon, 13-15.09.2018
XII Inter-Universitary Workshop on Mind, Art, and Morality Language & Power
University of Barcelona, 22-23.05.2018
XIX TIF (19th Taller d'Investigacio en Filosofia)
University of Barcelona, 26-27.04.2018
Situations, Information and Semantic Content
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, 16-18.12.2016
DEA Programme (Associate Research Directors)
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2016
XVIII TIF (18th Taller d’Investigacio en Filosofia)
University of Valencia, 28-29.01.2016
Workshop 2 of the Semantic Content and Conversational Dynamics project
University of Barcelona, 6-8.11.2014
XVI TIF (16th Taller d’Investigacio en Filosofia)
University of Barcelona, 16-17.01.2014
3rd Semantic Content workshop of the Semantic Content and Context Dependence project
University of Barcelona, 4-6.11.2012
Member of the Editorial Board of Balkan Journal of Philosophy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Member of the Editorial Board of Filozofski pregled (Philosophical Review), University of Niš
Member of the Editorial Board of Cogent Social Sciences. UK
Member of the Advisory Board of the Philosophy of Language: Connections and Perspectives series, Lexington Books
Editor for Philosophy of language, Organon F, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Diogo Santos, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, 2023 (main examiner).
Alba Moreno-Zurita, Department of Philosophy, University of Granada, 2023 (external referee).
Justina Berškyte, Philosophy/School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, 2022 (external examiner).
Eduardo Pérez Navarro, Department of Philosophy, University of Granada, 2019 (supplant)
Jose Ramon Torices, Department of Philosophy, University of Granada, 2019 (external reviewer)
David Bordonaba Plou, Department of Philosophy, University of Granada, 2017 (supplant)
Mihajlo Ignjatovic, Department of Translation and Language Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, 2016 (supplant)
American Philosophical Quarterly
Analytic Philosophy
Asian Journal of Philosophy
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Critica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofia
Eidos. Revista de Filosofia de la Universidad del Norte
Estudios de Filosofia
Filozofia Nauki
Grazer Philosophishe Studien
Inquiry. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy
Journal of Applied Philosophy
Journal of the American Philosophical Association
Linguistics and Philosophy
Mind & Language
Organon F
Philosophical Explorations
Philosophical Papers
Philosophical Studies
Studia Semiotyczne
Studia UBB. Philosophia
The Journal of Philosophy
The Philosophical Quarterly
The Southern Journal of Philosophy
Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science
3rd Context, Cognition and Communication Conference “Varieties of Meaning and Content”
University of Warsaw, 19-22.09.2022
Philosophy of Language and Mind 6 (PLM6)
University of Warsaw, 15-17.09.2022
Propositions, Reference and Meaning
Slovak Academy of Sciences, 28-29.11.2019
5th IIF Graduate Conference
Institute of Philosophical Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 30-31.10.2019
Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 10 (SPE10)
Pompeu Fabra University, 17-19.12.2018
2nd Context, Cognition and Communication Conference “Contexts, Concepts, Objects”
University of Warsaw, 16-19.06.2018
58th Annual Congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association
Brock University, 25-28.05.2014
SOPHA 2012
Ecole Normale Superieure, 4-6.05.2012