“A Rich-Lexicon Approach to the Evaluative Sphere” (keynote)
24th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poręba, 8-11.03.2024
“The Politics of Slur-Use: Two Issues”
Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy, Technical University of Dresden, 24.01.2024
“Disagreement, Retraction, and Perspective Shift. An Assessment of Recent Experimental Studies in the Contextualism-Relativism Debate”
Cross-Linguistic Disagreement 2023, Kanazawa, 11-12.11.2023
“Retraction: Conceptual and Empirical Challenges”
PhiLang Seminar, University of Łodz, 25.10.2023
“A Polysemy View of Slurs and of Other Evaluative Expressions”
Department of Analytic Philosophy Lecture series, Czech Academy of Sciences, 13.04.2023
“Exocentric Uses of Slurs and Political Activism”
Themes in Oppressive Language, University of Manchester, 3.03.2023
“Disagreement in the Contextualism/Relativism Debate: Latest Issues and Arguments”
Sign-Language-Reality seminar, Polish Semiotic Society, 4.11.2022
“Rich-Lexicon Theories of Slurs: A Comparison”
Krakow Seminars in Law, Language, and Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, 20.10.2022
“Slurs: What They Are and Why They Matter” (keynote)
Zderzenia Poznawcze 2022, University of Warsaw, 18-19.06.2022
“Relativism and Retraction”
Seminar Series in Analytic Philosophy, LanCog, University of Lisbon, 8.04.2022
"Slurs and the Lexicon: Meaning Change as Polysemy”
Department of Theoretical Philosophy and CELFIS seminar, University of Bucharest, 26.04.2021
"Slurs and the Lexicon: Meaning Change as Polysemy”
Linguistics and Philosophy of Language Group seminar, University of Buenos Aires, 16.12.2020
“Contextualist, Relativist, and Invariantist Accounts of Gender Terms”
Gender and Language, University of the Basque Country, 3.06.2019
“Disagreement in Attitude and the Semantics of Perspectival Terms”
Faculty of Philosophy Research Seminar, University of Bucharest, 17.04.2019
“Subject-Contextualism and the Meaning of Gender Terms”
Perspectives on Language, Reality, Society and Knowledge, University of Rijeka, 23-24.02.2018
“Perspective-Shifting in Relativist Semantics”
University of Kyoto, 17.11.2017
“Shifty Taste. A Unitary Relativist Approach to Shifting Phenomena”
Relativisms Global Research Network project, Yonsei University, 3-4.05.2017
“Disagreement, Misunderstanding, and the Semantics of Taste”
Disagreement. Conceptual and Semantic Foundations, University of Bonn, 27-28.10.2016
“Disagreement, Misunderstanding, and the Semantics of Taste Claims”
University of Granada, 25.10.2016
“Disagreement, Misunderstanding, and the Semantics of Taste”
University of Vienna, 17.05.2016
“Subject-Contextualism and the Meaning of Gender Terms”
University of Belgrade, 10.05.2016
“Philosophy as an Ameliorative Project” (in Romanian)
Filosofia și istoria în universitatea contemporană: provocări, confruntări și soluții, West University of Timișoara, 25-28.04.2016
“Contextualism and Disagreement in Attitude: A Bad Marriage?”
VIII Latin Meeting for Analytic Philosophy, University of Milan, 4-6.06.2015
“Syntactic Arguments in the Contextualism/Relativism Debate”
Sign-Language-Reality seminar, Polish Semiotic Society, 12.05.2015
“Relativism and Bound Predicates of Personal Taste: The Variadic Functions Approach”
University of the Basque Country, 18.11.2013
“Temporal Variadic Operators”
Stockholm University, 1.03.2013
“Temporal Variadic Operators”
4th Semantic Content Workshop, University of Barcelona, 26-27.11.2012
“Radical Relativism, Retraction and ‘Being at Fault’”
Truth Workshop, University of Geneva, 16-18.06.2012
“Truth-Relativism as a Semantic Theory”
Language, Concepts, Communication exploratory workshop, West University of Timișoara, 24-26.04.2008