My research has focused on the semantics of what can be called "subjective" or "perspectival" expressions - predicates of taste, aesthetic predicates, moral terms, epistemic modals etc. I'm involved in the contemporary debate between contextualism and relativism about the aforementioned expressions, defending a version of the latter. I'm also interested in the semantics of epistemic vocabulary ("know" etc.), locational expressions, tenses and temporal adverbs. Theories of speaker meaning and methodological issues such as the status of certain arguments in current semantic debates are among my interests too.
Recently, I became interested in more socially-significant expressions (slurs, expressives, gender terms, dogwhistles, etc.) and phenomena (hate speech, propaganda, etc.). My current work is mostly in the semantics of such terms.
Slurs and the Lexicon: A Rich-Lexicon Approach to Slurs and Other Evaluative Expressions (2023.05952.CEECIND)
University of Porto, 2024-2030
New Applications of the Assessment-Sensitivity Framework
West University of Timișoara, 2024
Developing the Rich Lexicon Approach to Slurs (ID 45145)
Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2023-2024
Semantic Relativism about Perspectival Expressions: A Reassessment and Defense (UMO-2019/33/B/HS1/01269)
University of Warsaw, 2020-2024
Disagreement and the Semantics of Perspectival Expressions (M2226-G24)
University of Vienna, 2017-2019
The Semantics of Perspectival Expressions (JCI-2012-12974)
University of the Basque Country, 2014-2017
A Temporalist Approach to Tenses and Temporal Expressions (2010 BP_A2 0005)
Pompeu Fabra University, 2013-2014
Perspectivality in Natural Language (2010 BP_A 00328)
Institut Jean Nicod, 2011-2013
Slovak-Austrian Philosophy of Language Network (S.A.I.A. Initiative Project 2019-10-15-007)
Slovak Academy of Sciences & University of Vienna, 2021
Foundations and Methods of Natural Language Semantics (FFI2016-80636-P)
University of Barcelona, 2017-2019; PI: Josep Macia
Lexical Meaning and Concepts (FFI2014-52196-P)
University of the Basque Country, 2014-2017; PI: Agustin Vicente
Naturalism, Expressivism and Normativity (FFI2013-44836-P)
University of Granada, 2014-2017; PI: Maria-Jose Frapolli
Semantic Content and Conversational Dynamics (FFI2012-37658)
University of Barcelona, 2013-2015; PI: Max Kölbel
Context-dependence, Perspective and Relativity
Institut Jean Nicod, 2011-2013; PI: François Recanati
PERSP - Philosophy of Perspectival Thoughts and Facts (CSD2009-00056)
University of Barcelona, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Girona, University of Valencia, 2009-2014; PI: Manuel García-Carpintero
The Determination of Reference (FFI2008-04263/FISO)
University of Barcelona, 2009-2011; PI: Genoveva Marti
Foundations of Semantics: Non-Factual and Non-Representational Aspects of Meaning (HUM2005-00761)
University of Barcelona, 2007-2008; PI: Genoveva Marti